by editor | Jun 18, 2020 | Writing Process
If you’ve lived a life you’re proud of and one that’s filled with fantastic experiences, you maybe want to share it with others. Everyone has a story. If you want yours to be told, then, writing an autobiography could be the best way to do it. An autobiography is a...
by editor | Sep 8, 2019 | Articles, Interviews, Writing Process, Written
Reviewer Glenn Dallas interviews Darrell Lee, author of The Apotheosis. Read Glenn’s review of the book here. 1. GD: John Numen is essentially a polymath, excelling in several fields. What historical or scientific figures did you draw upon when creating the...
by Rosemary & Larry Mild | Nov 23, 2018 | Articles, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
When a husband and wife write as a team, how do they create fiction that comes out seamlessly, sounding like one author? Big question. Larry and Rosemary Mild came from different worlds in 1986. They met on a blind date. Larry had lost his wife to cancer. Rosemary had...
by Jean P Moore | Sep 26, 2018 | Articles, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
When my first novel came out, I would invariably be asked about the subplot of teen lesbianism I chose to include. This would be followed by a brief, awkward silence. But I was always happy to set minds at ease, to ensure the questioner and the audience that the...
by editor | Oct 31, 2017 | Articles, Guest Contributors, Writing Process
By Dori Jones Yang Confession: I am not a Chinese boy living in 1870s Connecticut. I was not alive in the 1870s. I have never lived in Connecticut. I am not a boy. And I am not Chinese. Whew! Got that off my chest. We writers of historical fiction are called to...
by editor | Jan 19, 2017 | Articles, Guest Contributors, Writing Process
By Tracy Weber If you were to ask novelists why they write, most would readily assert that it’s not for the money. The writers I know would become significantly richer steaming lattes. Penning a novel is a work of love, or in my case, a work of loves. A Fatal Twist,...