Bizarre World: A Collection of the World’s Creepiest, Strangest, and Sometimes Most Hilarious Traditions
The world is a strange and eclectic place, full of nuance, mystery, and tradition. And what seems commonplace for you might appear utterly bonkers to an outside observer. But that’s part of the wonder of human society in all its richness, complexity, and peculiarity.
Bizarre World collects the strangest and most fascinating rituals, ceremonies, celebrations, and traditions around the world in one place for your amusement, amazement, and, occasionally, disgust. From tomato fights to partying with your dead relatives, you’ll find all sorts of unexpected ways humans honor everything from death to birthdays.
Granted, if you’re a fan of MTV’s Wildboyz or other travel shows, some of these traditions won’t be new to you. But no matter how well traveled you are, I guarantee you’ll stumble across a few traditions in this book that’ll surprise and baffle you. (Like the one where they throw babies off a roof. A ROOF.)
With additional anecdotes, historical context, and comparisons to similar rituals in other parts of the world, this is a cultural smorgasbord for trivia fans and aspiring world travelers alike. Bizarre World is exactly what it promises.
Author | E. Reid Ross |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 272 pages |
Publisher | Adams Media |
Publish Date | 13-Aug-2019 |
ISBN | 9781507210789 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | November 2019 |
Category | Humor-Nonfiction |
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