How Do Dinosaurs Learn to Read?
Learning to read and learning to love and respect books are important steps children take on their journey to adulthood. This great addition to the Jane Yolen and Mark Teague dinosaur series teaches both respect for books (“Does he use his new book as a shovel or bat?”) and hints about what it takes to learn to read (“Does he sound out the words? Or just take a quick look?). It’s important for youngsters to know learning takes work and doesn’t magically happen. It’s really helpful for them to know that patience and practice and doing the hard work of sounding words out is the path to success. There is a short section in the back with mini-reading lessons about sounding out words and another section that identifies all the dinosaurs pictured in the book. The text of the story seems to have more to do with treating books with respect than it does with actual reading, but the messages are important and taught in a fun way with Jane Yolen’s perfect rhyme and rhythm. Mark Teague’s incredible illustrations are based on good science yet carry a real sense of fun. Kids will love this book.
Author | Jane Yolen • Mark Teague, Illustrator |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 40 pages |
Publisher | The Blue Sky Press |
Publish Date | 2018-Jun-26 |
ISBN | 9781338233018 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | September 2018 |
Category | Children's |
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