Library Lust

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Have you ever had one of those nightmares where everything is the same yet is somehow changed for the worse? This kept running through my head as I read through N.S. Navla’s Library Lust. It details the battle of a financial director of the San Francisco Library as she fights City Hall for funding following the mishandling of previous budgets and a move to a new Central Library. This has the possibility of being a tight political thriller. Something like a Tom Clancy novel. Instead, it pushes a particular political ideology. The library is struggling because of liberal politicians. The unions are corrupt and exist only to shield the lazy. The press is in the pocket of the mayor. All administrators are cronies and inept. If only the world were as brave, noble, smart, and fiscally conservative as the main characters! Fortunately, there is a computerized system coming in, which will shield the library from the corrupt mayor’s attempts to use it as his favorite target of blame. All they need to do is avoid scandal and keep the library afloat until the system rolls in…

One last element of writing I found distracting: the whole book is written entirely in present tense. Judy stomps into the room. Anita turns beet red. Linda can’t suppress a laugh. While fine in small doses, it grows increasingly distracting as the novel wears on. In some ways this helps to impart a sense of urgency. But I found it distracting as yet again someone is currently jumping or exclaiming or snapping.

This is a great read for all the Libertarian bibliophiles in your life.

Reviewed By:

Author N. S. Navla
Star Count /5
Format Trade
Page Count 254 pages
Publisher Inkwater Press
Publish Date 2014-11-04
ISBN 9781629010786 Buy this Book
Issue November 2016
Category Humor-Fiction


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