Meesh the Bad Demon #2: The Secret of the Fang: (A Graphic Novel)

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Ponderosa’s forests are being destroyed, putting fox-kind, trees, demons, and fairies in harm’s way. Guardian Meesh and Fairy Princess Nouna had no choice but to get to the root of a laser machine built in the forest. As they uncover the dangerous plan, Meesh gets captured. She soon learns the harsh truth about the injustice that gave rise to feelings of hatred and acts of vengeance. As she tries to reason with her captors, Meesh learns about the extent of her powers. To save the forests and her friends, she must make them understand that it is vital to make space for all to thrive, before it is too late.

Michelle Lam builds upon Meesh’s story arc in her second book, the latest addition to what promises to be an engaging graphic novel series for young readers. Lam expands on the magical and adventuresome antics with Meesh, Nouna, Xavier and Chai. In //Meesh the Bad Demon: The Secret of the Fang,// the crime-fighting friends face all adversity with trust and having each other’s backs. Guided by her duty to serve others, she finds ways to brave through the most challenging times, even when her magic is not as potent. Meesh recognizes that her greatest power is in being her true self.

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Author Michelle Lam
Star Count 4/5
Format Trade
Page Count 304 pages
Publisher Random House Children's Books
Publish Date 23-Jul-2024
ISBN 9780593372906 Buy this Book
Issue October 2024
Category Sequential Art - Kids