Points North: Discover Hidden Campgrounds, Natural Wonders, and Waterways of the Upper Peninsula

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The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is a really special place. Separate from the rest of the state, it doesn’t have any major metropolitan areas. Marquette, with a population of just over twenty-one thousand, is the largest city. But who needs cities when one can find an abundance of parks, museums, ghost towns, wilderness areas, hiking trails, rivers, lighthouses, and more. This wonderful book has forty destinations, each with a write-up of two to five pages that includes beautiful full-color photographs and a detailed accounting of what the place has to offer. When appropriate, there is also history woven in. The writing is lively and shows the passion author Mikel B. Classen has for his subject. He has been to all these places and describes them in great detail. The photos were taken by Classen, and are a great addition to the book. Every page will entice readers to hit the road and head to the north country to uncover these delightful destinations for themselves, but even if one is merely an armchair traveler, this book will be a great addition to their library. It is so well-written and designed, that it will satisfy every type of adventurer.

Reviewed By:

Author Mikel B Classen
Star Count /5
Format Trade
Page Count 132 pages
Publisher Modern History Press
Publish Date 2019-11-01
ISBN 9781615994908
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue March 2020
Category Sports & Outdoors


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