Snail Crossing

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Why did the snail cross the road?… To get to the cabbages.

Snail is sliding along when he sees the most beautiful sight: Cabbages across the road. So, he begins his journey to the other side. As he goes, he encounters some problems which cause him to save and befriend a group of ants. He travels and travels and eventually gets turned around, but when all hope is lost his new friends come through to help him, too.

My kids, three and six, liked this book. They thought the snail was a fun character. They enjoyed him meeting the ants and seeing what a snail house looks like. They were very sad for Snail when he has a problem getting to his destination but were overjoyed to see his new friends the ants come help him out.

On the text: I loved Snail’s determination to get to his goal even though he is slow. I love the ants’ voice and how it changes when Snail saves them from the rain. I liked the repetition of being “Cabbage Bound” and then turning it into “Snail Bound” at the end.

Illustrations: I really enjoyed the style. It had a lot of white space and had details on the pages that needed a little more. I thought specifically the snail trail on several pages including the end papers was a great touch. Snail’s home was my favorite scene because, honestly, I had never thought about what it might look like, so great job on creativity.

Reviewed By:

Author Corey R. Tabor
Star Count /5
Format Hard
Page Count 40 pages
Publisher Balzer + Bray
Publish Date 2020-02-04
ISBN 9780062878007 Buy this Book
Issue May 2020
Category Children's


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