The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race
Walter Isaacson is a master storyteller, a talent he so remarkable displays in this story of the conception, birth, and progression of the CRISPR phenomenon. Short chapters illustrated with photos of the scientists or topics discussed comfortably convey the reader into the fantasy world of science. It is the engrossing recount of the many global scientists who participated in the development of the CRISPR device which is the key to manipulating the genetic nucleic acids. Starting with Nobel awardee Jennifer Doudna, the author probes her background and training, trying to identify the essence of her scientific talent. Through interviews with Nobel coawardee Emmanuelle Charpentier, and other biologists such as James Watson, Eric Lander, George Church, Feng Zhang….and so many others; Isaacson shows how both cooperation and competition are integral elements of scientific research. And while science researchers thrive on curiosity, they also require the human applause through recognition and awards. Along with this exciting recount of the CRISPR revelation, the reader is challenged to consider the moral issues raised by this new opportunity to manipulate genetic factors and how it can and will be used. Another fantastic account by Walter Isaacson of science achievement that surpasses the appeal of science fiction.
Author | Walter Isaacson |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 560 pages |
Publisher | Simon & Schuster |
Publish Date | 09-Mar-2021 |
ISBN | 9781982115852 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | October 2021 |
Category | Science & Nature |
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