The Nation of Plants

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In this remarkable representation of the plants’ eye view of the world during this current geological age, noted Italian plant neurobiologist Stafano Mancuso (University of Florence) takes on the voice of the botanical domain attempting to arouse man to the importance of photosynthesis for global life. Taking on the role as representative of a Nation of Plants, the author addresses the General Assembly of the United Nations citing the disappearing world resources, loss of plant life, effects of climate change, increasing emission of carbon dioxide, over-consumption related to overpopulation, desertification and other problems associated with human self-interest. The reader is constantly reminded that plants enable the energy sustaining life by harnessing the solar power through photosynthesis which provides survival food and respiratory oxygen. Through a series of short descriptive passages, the author contrasts the role of plants versus the human strategies in attempting to control nature. Introducing biologic control methods to eliminate introduced species of cacti only derailed the ecosystem, massacre of sparrows and rodents in China resulted in increased insect problems. Plants migrate freely through the dispersal of seeds as climate changes, unfortunately, humans are not allowed this freedom as their arable land vanishes. Top-heavy civic bureaucracies appear to rise to a level of ineffectiveness prior to crashing, plants use other organizational techniques. Symbiosis and cooperation are the hallmarks for plant survival, the practice that helps the survival of this kingdom. These are just a few of the Anthropocene issues seen from the plants’ visual field, but these problems are poised in a novel and engrossing manner in this timely book.

Reviewed By:

Author Stefano Mancuso
Star Count /5
Format Hard
Page Count 144 pages
Publisher Other Press
Publish Date 2021-Mar-23
ISBN 9781635420999 Buy this Book
Issue March 2021
Category Science & Nature


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