The Ruler’s Guide: China’s Greatest Emperor and His Timeless Secrets of Success

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For anyone with interest in history, particularly China’s history, The Ruler’s Guide by Chinghua Tang is a truly fascinating reading. The book is about one of the great dynasties of China, established by a celebrated emperor, Tang Taizong, in 598 AD, which lasted for three-hundred years. Tang Taizong (Taizong is his title, not his name) was much respected as a leader and was highly successful in shaping China into a great power. In this book, Tang has collated his research on this dynasty, especially with regard to the emperor. Much of the book is a series of quotes by the emperor and by his advisors the ministers as well as by others who had wisdom to share with the emperor. These are short quotes, a paragraph or two, and between the quotes author Tang adds his own comments. He wisely breaks the text into short sub-sections for easy reading. These quotes may be related to anything and everything within the emperor’s ruling, like The Root Cause of Crime or Being Gentle. Tang Taizong set out a series of rules to be followed even after his death in 649 AD. These apply to modern leaders as well.

Reviewed By:

Author Chinghua Tang
Star Count /5
Format Hard
Page Count 161 Pages
Publisher Scribner
Publish Date 2017-Feb-07
ISBN 9781501138775 Buy this Book
Issue February 2017
Category Philosophy


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