Wolfenstein Volume 1

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The Axis Powers won World War 2, and although America is occupied, a meager rebellion chips away at the victorious fascists. One of their rallying icons? Terror-Billy, the Nazi hunting badass who overcomes the odds no matter what. As the Nazis close in and try to end the rebellion once and for all, the invisible hand of Terror-Billy guides them toward a conflict that will either turn the tide or wipe them from the face of the Earth.

A video game icon returns as the hero of Wolfenstein (the first true first-person-shooter), B.J. Blazkowicz, returns in this alternate history epic. Wolfenstein: The Deep serves as the action-packed prequel to the Wolfenstein video game The New Colossus, and the graphic novel does an impressive job of capturing the oppressive nature of the fascist-dominated world, creating a dingy, dirty, bloody counterpart to original-films era Star Wars life under the thumb of the Empire.

The curious mix of anachronistic technology with the heavily European aesthetic does a marvelous job of wrongfooting the reader, making them feel unsure of where they stand, which is precisely what alternate history should do: put you off-guard as you explore a possible historical byway of how things might have gone.

Reviewed By:

Author Dan Watters • Piotr Kowalski, Illustrator • Ronilson Freire, Illustrator
Star Count /5
Format Trade
Page Count 104 pages
Publisher Titan Comics
Publish Date 2017-Dec-26
ISBN 9781785863417
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue May 2018
Category Sequential Art


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