Our Report

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Our Report by Ruperto Punsalan offers a unique perspective on Christianity and the meanings of key passages from the Bible by combining the fields of numerology and biblical interpretation. The book introduces a novel concept that Punsalan terms “Number Fusion,” which he states “will unlock the ambiguity of the Bible when it comes to prophecies.” Through this concept, Punsalan explores the interconnections among major prophecies from both the Old and New Testaments, seeking to render their implications clear to a twenty-first century audience.

Simply put, the Number Fusion process entails assigning each of the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet a numerical value (e.g., A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc.) and then using those values when breaking down significant words in order to calculate the fixed numerical symbols associated with them. The first example of this that Punsalan offers is the word “COURAGE,” the numerical symbol for which can be calculated as follows: 3 (C) + 15 (O) + 21 (U) + 18 (R) + 1 (A) + 7 (G) + 5 (E) = 70. Next, 7 + 0 = 7, which makes “7” the numerical symbol for “COURAGE.”

The math is certainly clear here, although the purpose is unfortunately not. While it is possible to calculate a numerical value of every word, what is the reason for doing so? What do the resultant values indicate or mean? More importantly, beyond the mere possibility of performing such calculations, why do words have numerical values? Who or what made things this way? Punsalan doesn’t address these issues in any great depth, but he suggests the key outcome is whether the final number is a positive or negative integer, indicating a word to have a positive or negative meaning.

Expanding on this, Punsalan concentrates on words giving rise to positive and negative sevens and sixes due to the frequency with which these numbers occur in the Book of Revelation, most notably in terms of “666” being the mark of the Beast. Again, the whys and the wherefores are lacking, and it is unclear if the Bible actually intends to convey anything through this math. If letters are assigned numerical values and then those values are used for the purpose of addition until the final calculation gives rise to a single-digit value, every word will certainly have such a value, but why?

Aside from the biblical interpretation, Punsalan also applies the Number Fusion concept to a selection of important dates from U.S. history, seemingly suggesting a link between, for example, the “911” emergency number and the events of 9/11. The numbers are, of course, the same here, but the possibility of a coincidence really needs to be considered. What’s more, selecting the numbers associated with only certain events could result in a self-fulfilling prophecy when searching for meaning. The same is true when Punsalan applies the process to events from his own life.

Our Report offers an interesting mix of numerological, historical, and biographical elements, and the math that Punsalan presents certainly works out. However, the book is rather densely written and overly full of repetitive examples, despite overlooking the key aspect of why what is discussed is significant and whether it can really be said to be intentional. Its novelty lies in its unique numerical interpretation of key biblical passages (or prophecies), but this could be achieved in far less pages and with far less references to extraneous matters.

Reviewed By:

Author Ruperto Punsalan
Star Count 2/5
Format eBook
Page Count 312 pages
Publisher ReadersMagnet LLC.
Publish Date 15-Nov-2023
ISBN 9798890912954
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue February 2024
Category Spirituality & Inspiration