Stage (Not Age): How to Understand and Serve People Over 60–the Fastest Growing, Most Dynamic Market in the World
The author of Stage (Not Age): How to Understand and Serve People Over 60—the Fastest Growing, Most Dynamic Market in the World is touted as an expert on opportunities created by longevity, which amount to a twenty-two trillion dollar market. While it is undeniably true that companies are late to the party in viewing this market, too often stereotypes are fixed so deeply that research cannot break through that mindset.
However, the thesis of this book has been put forward for at least thirty years. The thirty year olds who rocked to Elvis are not the same group as their aging parents. The prejudice in thinking about the aging population is so deeply ingrained that nothing short of a revolution in thinking will break through. Certainly, this book, whilst presenting interesting statistics, is not compelling in this regard.
A new factor in this book is the fact that people are living much longer now than ever before in history. Being ninety or one-hundred years old is not as unusual as it once was. Because of that, old people will soon outnumber the younger generations. A more compelling thesis is needed to break this huge market out of invisibility.
Author | Susan Wilner Golden |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 240 pages |
Publisher | Harvard Business Review Press |
Publish Date | 14-Jun-2022 |
ISBN | 9781633699472 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | July 2022 |
Category | Business & Investing |
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