The Fifth Letter
Best friends since they were twelve, Joni, Deb, Eden, and Trina take a vacation together every year to catch up. Lately, husbands, kids, and careers have started to pull them apart. Joni can’t stand to see that happen, so she makes sure everyone is going to be there this year. They rent a cabin near the beach and decide to play a game. Each woman anonymously writes a letter sharing a secret. They will read them out loud without judging or trying to figure out who wrote it. However, one night Joni wakes up and sees The Fifth Letter burning in the fireplace. From the scraps, she can see that one of these four women has been holding onto a grudge against one of the others for a very long time. Joni has to figure out who wrote it before those violent thoughts become a reality.
Overall, this book was okay. You want to know what their secrets are, so you keep reading, and you’re honestly not sure how far the characters will go. However, it became more of just a drama between four women who each think their secret is the worst when really it’s like most other people’s on the planet. There was hardly any mystery to this book, which I found disappointing. But if you like stories about friends working through their issues to be best friends forever, then you’ll enjoy this one.
Author | Nicola Moriarty |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 288 pages |
Publisher | William Morrow |
Publish Date | 2017-Jan-24 |
ISBN | 9780062413567 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | January 2017 |
Category | Mystery, Crime, Thriller |
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