The Two Eleanors of Henry III: The Lives of Eleanor of Provence and Eleanor de Montfort
The Two Eleanors of Henry III is a dual biography of two Eleanors, one who married Henry III and one who became his sister-in-law. The two Eleanors are good friends in their own way, but also strong personalities in a time when women were not typically appreciated for being notable. They contributed a great deal to their husbands’ careers and made names for themselves in the process.
Darren Baker is an engaging writer and talks about history in a relatable and readable way. He brings the two Eleanors and their time alive to readers and thoroughly engrosses you in a story hundreds of years past. That, in this reviewer’s opinion, is the mark of the talented historical writer. Baker seeks to understand the truth of these women, in their actions as opposed to how they have been painted by biased historians. Whether the middle ages are your thing or not, these two strong women are highly readable in this account and capture the imagination with this talented writer’s handling of their story.
Author | Darren Baker |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 240 pages |
Publisher | Pen and Sword History |
Publish Date | 2020-01-10 |
ISBN | 9781526747518 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | June 2020 |
Category | History |
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